Your Guide to Circle Reunion 2016

//Your Guide to Circle Reunion 2016

Your Guide to Circle Reunion 2016

Is the real world starting to get you down? Do you need some R&R with your camp friends? Good news: Reunion is just around the corner.

Use this guide to prepare for a weekend in 21719.


You may drop your stuff off at your bunk, but we ask that you park your car in the lot outside of camp. Please do not park on any grass or walkways. If you are handicapped, you may park in the lot in front of the Dining Hall.


You will receive your name tag and bunk assignment at the Dining Hall when you arrive. You’ll also have the opportunity to purchase mementos and vote on the Circle Board ballot if you haven’t already done so online. Check-in begins at 4:00 PM and dinner will be at 7:00 PM.

Raffle/Silent Auction

Want to give back somehow to Circle? Perhaps you continued your Arts & Crafts skills beyond camp. Or maybe you can offer coveted items or services. We are looking for high quality items to include in this year’s raffle! In previous years, our most successful raffle and silent auction items have included gift cards to favorite restaurants or a spa day, sports memorabilia (need to think of the husbands and boyfriends, right?), and Camp Louise memorabilia. Bring your item(s) to check-in to be included. Winners will be announced on Saturday night after dinner. All purchasing and bidding needs to be completed before dinner on Saturday evening.

Towels, Sheets, Blankets- Oh my!

You are responsible for all pillows, linens, blankets, and towels during the weekend. Don’t forget to pack for cold weather! If you are traveling from far away and need help finding sheets/etc. to use at Reunion, or if you can bring extra sheets/etc. for someone to borrow, please email Andie Snyder.

Looking to add some gear to your camp wardrobe?

You’re in luck!  This year we will once again have custom Circle clothing available to purchase on Saturday afternoon.  Pants and shirts with a Circle Logo will be sold.  A 10% discount will be available if you pay in cash, so come ready to shop!

Adventure Park

We are so fortunate that Camp will be able to make the Adventure Park (the structure located on Field 1) available for use during Reunion!  This was a new element in 2015 and has been a huge hit with campers and staff!  The Adventure Park will be open from 1:30 – 3:00pm onSaturday, September 17.  If you with to use the Adventure Park, a fee of $25 per person will be charged in order to cover the cost of staffing this activity and wear-and-tear on the equipment.  Checks can be made payable directly to Camp Louise. Also, be sure to wear shoes that won’t fall off (sneakers, keens, etc. but no flip flops).  Please contact Susan Vogel at with any questions.

Louise in Lights

Get ready to share your talents on Saturday night during the Circle talent show! Sing, dance, tell some jokes – whatever your talent is, we want to see it. If you would like to perform, please contact Valerie McManus at

Donate to Circle

As you can imagine, Circle Reunion is one of the largest expenses of the year for Circle. Now’s the time to consider making a gift.

Please note, purchases and donations can only be made via cash or check during Reunion. Online donations can be accepted at any time.

Town Hall Meeting

The best way to get updated on Circle happenings and to share your feedback is by attending the Town Hall Meeting after services on Saturday morning. Please send any topic items to Andie Snyder so she can include it on the agenda.

Circle Board Voting

Voting will be open online from September 2 – September 14, and in-person voting will take place at Circle Reunion on Friday, September 16 until 8:30pm. New Board members will be announced at the Town Hall Meeting during Circle Reunion on Saturday, September 17. If you have any questions about the nominations or voting process, contact Randi Moody at To vote or read more about the nominees, visit the Circle Board 2016 Ballot.

Not Registered Yet?

There’s still time to register for Circle Reunion 2015! Convince your friends it’s worth it and send them the registration link now.

By | 2016-09-08T16:26:21-04:00 September 8th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Your Guide to Circle Reunion 2016

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