Circle Reunion

/Circle Reunion
Circle Reunion 2024-07-01T20:11:46-04:00

What is Reunion?

Each Fall, Circle rents out camp for some quality time on the mountain. We spend two nights sharing stories, folkdancing, singing around campfires, and doing arts & crafts. Attendees stay in private rooms, shared rooms or bunks. Committees help to plan progamming like Friday night Shabbat and programming, as well as campfires, oneg, and activities throughout the day. However, you can choose to opt out of all programming and relax with friends all weekend if you choose.


Do I have to be in Circle to attend?

Absolutely not. Anyone is welcome! In fact, it is tradition for CITs to attend Reunion on the decade anniversaries of their CIT summer. Many of those attendees are not Circle members.

Non-Circle members are invited to Town Hall, too. It’s not exclusive to members, but you can’t vote on new Board members and any other topics.


What if I can’t afford to go?

We’ve set up a scholarship fund to support members who need assistance to attend Reunion. To apply for one, email Elissa Sachs-Kohen by the early bird deadline. We don’t ask any questions and we keep it confidential, but we do encourage scholarship recipients to volunteer their time at Reunion and to give back to the fund when they can. Please note that this scholarship is 100% funded my Circle members. We can’t provide assistance without your help. Consider making a donation towards the Reunion Scholarship.


Upcoming Reunions

Circle Reunion 2024

September 20 @ 4:00 pm - September 22 @ 11:00 am