Your Guide to Circle Reunion 2024

/Your Guide to Circle Reunion 2024
Your Guide to Circle Reunion 2024 2024-09-12T20:58:53-04:00

Is the real world starting to get you down? Do you need some R&R with your camp friends? Good news: Reunion is just around the corner.

Use this guide to prepare for a weekend in 21719.


You may drop your stuff off at your bunk, but you MUST park your car in the lot outside of camp. Please do not park on any grass or walkways (an emergency vehicle must be able to drive through camp). If you need to park inside the gate, please contact Maggy Kay at to reserve a spot in the Dining Hall parking lot.


You will receive your name tag, bunk assignment, schedule, and pre-purchased mementos in the Dining Hall when you arrive. You’ll also have the opportunity to purchase camp mementos and vote on the Circle Board ballot if you haven’t already done so online. Camp gates open and check-in begins at 4:00 PM and Shabbat services/dinner will be at 6:30 PM.


Want to give back to Circle? We are still looking for help with a few Circle weekend activities. Are you good at starting fires? If so, we are looking for someone to take charge of building a campfire Saturday night. Are you good at leading people in song and interested in leading Havdalah Saturday night? We need helpers on our clean up crew and for reunion support

We can’t do this without volunteers- please sign up Circle Reunion Clean Up Crews and Circle Reunion Support Crew or please contact Maggy Kay at

New Inductees – Shabbat Choir

All 2024 Circle inductees are invited to be in the Shabbat Choir on Friday night.

Havdalah Saturday Night

2014, 2004, and other CIT groups celebrating milestone reunions will be invited on stage to help lead us in Havdalah!

Towels, Sheets, Blankets- Oh my!

Participants are responsible for all pillows, linens, blankets, and towels during the weekend. If you are traveling from far away and need help finding sheets/etc. to use at Reunion, or if you can bring extra sheets/etc. for someone to borrow, please email Maggy Kay at  Also, check the forecast and make sure you have cold weather gear and rain gear if you’ll need it!

Meals and the Dining Hall

  • Meals are scheduled for one hour. Please clean up after yourself and be out of the dining hall by the end of that hour so that dining hall staff have time and space to clean.
  • The dining hall is a dry space. If you are over 21, you can drink responsibly in your living space and in other parts of camp, but you may not bring alcohol into the dining hall.
  • Various swag items – a smorgasbord, if you will – will be available for purchase in the dining hall. Things you may have missed in previous years are going to be on sale. Did you order a chair? This will also be where you can pick up your order.


We’ll give you a detailed agenda when you arrive at Circle Reunion, but here’s a quick run-down of some of the activities you should expect to see.

Friday Night

  • Shabbat Dinner 
  • Folkdance
  • Oneg Canteen – sponsored by the 2004 CITs for the 20-year reunion, and Stephanie Klein Sloane in honor of the 2024 Circle Inductees


  • Shabbat Services
  • Group Photo – Meet in Solarium after services
  • Town Hall Meeting – Join us at Social Hall for our annual Town Hall to hear updates and talk about how Circle can better serve its membership – you! Email topics to Reesa Pearlman at
  • Tie Dye – Please bring a 100% cotton item to tie-dye, we will have a limited supply thanks to sponsor, Debi Goltz.
  • Copper Enameling – If you noted on your registration you would iike to participate, you will receive your “time slot” for copper with your name tag. The $5 payment for materials can made in cash or electronically at reunion. 
  • New this Year! Mah Jongg, sign up for a table during check in. Make sure to bring your card! 2 sets will be able for use during reunion. 
  • Ice Cream Social – Sponsored by the CITs of ‘74, ‘75 and ‘76 in celebration of their 50th CIT summer anniversary 
  • Havdalah
  • Campfire with S’Mores


  • Breakfast & Cleanup – Hit the road with a full belly by 10:30am! But before leaving, please help us clean.  We don’t want future visitors and campers to find our bottle caps or leftover snacks!.  Lox at Brunch sponsored by Debra Press and Laurie Young

Donate to Circle

As you can imagine, Circle Reunion is one of the largest expenses of the year for Circle. Now’s the time to consider making a gift.  More information will be available at Reunion, or you can check our website or reach out to Andie Snyder ( at any time!

  • General Circle Fund – Your donation goes towards year-round activities, Circle Reunion, gifts to camp, and special projects.
  • Reunion Scholarship Fund – Give a Circle sibling the opportunity to come to Reunion at a discounted cost.
  • License Plates– Show your camp pride on the road.
  • Dedication Plaques, Leaves, and Bricks – Leave a legacy in honor or memory of someone special from Circle around Camp.

Circle Board VotingVoting will be open online until Friday, September 20 at 8:30pm. New Board members will be announced at the Town Hall Meeting during Circle Reunion on Saturday, September 21. Don’t forget to vote for your board members!