What is Eat the Good?

Circle Board is putting together a legacy cookbook – Eat the Good – and we need your participation! Food played a huge role during our time at Camp Louise, and we all have fond memories revolving around it. From cabana, campfires, and cookery to cookouts and country fair, some of our most cherished times revolved around the delectable treats we made and shared.
How Can I Contribute?
We would like you to submit recipes and the stories that go along with them. If you have any pictures from camp that go with those moments, we want those too!
Recipes can be for anything – drinks, snacks, main dishes, holiday foods, versions of your favorite staple dining hall foods that you’ve made (and improved) at home, or foods that remind you of camp.
Stories, anecdotes, memories – from sweet & sentimental to zany & hysterical – we want them all. Anything that reminds you of a time shared over camp cuisine.
If you only have a recipe, a story, or a picture – that’s ok! You are not required to submit everything, just what you’re willing to share. If you’d like to share multiple recipes & stories, bring it on! You will just need to fill out an individual google form response for each entry.
If you have a gmail account, you can upload your photos into the submission form. Please adhere to the guidelines for publication below*.
We are very excited about this project. Let’s really make this book ours – something in our voices – special, full and precious to be shared now and passed on to future generations at Camp Louise.
Submit a recipe by using the button below:
Feel free to write to us at circlecookbook@gmail.com if you have any questions about the project or technical problems with the google form.
We can’t wait to “Eat the Good” with all of you. Thank you so much for your participation.
Cookbook Art Contest
We have fashioned so many things of beauty together, and we know we have many talented artists in our midst. You could win the chance to design the cover of our cookbook! There are also opportunities for your designs to go into the subject dividers as well. E-mail your artwork along with your full name and Circle year to circlecookbook@gmail.com.
*Please adhere to the following guidelines for photos/artwork:
Original color or black & white digital photos must be saved as TIFF, EPS, or JPG files at 300 ppi.
Original sharp black ink line art or high-quality b/w copies or laser printouts must be digital files of scanned images saved as a TIFF at 600 ppi or Illustrator vector EPS files.
Original artwork or drawings must be digital images saved as TIFF, EPS or JPS files at 300 ppi or Illustrator® vector EPS files.