Points on the Circle – Winter 2018

///Points on the Circle – Winter 2018

Points on the Circle – Winter 2018


Maia Elise

News and updates from our community! 



Rachel Kurinsky (Circle 2006), the daughter of Linda Noel Kurinsky (Circle 1977), gave birth to Maia Elise on November 20th.

Irina Lessne (Circle 2014) started a new job.

Lauren Mirt Squier (Circle 2012) gave birth to Adelaide Lee on January 14 at 9:08 pm!

Katharine Ostrow (Circle 2013) switched jobs to work at a Tech Startup that focuses on analytics for e-commerce.

Drew Sigman

Drew Sigman (Circle 2015) moved to Portland, Maine to start dental school! If any Circle friends want a quality dentist, check back in four years.

Hilary Frankle (Circle 2009) married Airy boy, Jacob Felderstein on November 4, 2017.

Jamie Berman (Circle 2010) got engaged on July 16, 2017.

Paula Sherman (Circle 2009) married Jonny Bublick on September 16, 2017.

Alissa Maryn (Circle 2013) got married to David Aponte on October 7, 2017.

Alissa Maryn

Jane Sacks (Circle 2005) retired from Baltimore County Public Schools on December 1, 2017.

Laurie (Edelman) Goodwin (Circle 2003) had a baby boy named Samuel.

Julie (Argue) Purves (Circle 2007) had a baby girl and has already started tie-dying onesies.

Julia Penn (Circle 2007) got married on July 7, 2017 to Alberto Mejia.

Lydia (Smith) McCusker (Circle 2004) had a baby girl named Flora.

Luna Jordyn

Maddie Elkan Respler (Circle 2006) and her husband Andrew welcomed Luna Jordyn on May 22, 2017. She can’t wait for her first summer at Louise!

Know someone expecting? Surprise them with a camp shirt for their baby! Camps Airy & Louise offer free 12 month, 2T, or 4T shirts to any alumni. Contact airlou@airylouise.org with a shipping address and size.
