
About 2023-02-17T10:16:20-05:00

Circle was founded in 1936 by the counselors of Camp Louise to celebrate the friendships and loyalty of those who returned summer after summer. We are an alumni organization of Camp Louise, which invites all staff members of three years of service to join its tribe (but all camp alumni are welcome at events).


Learn about the History of Circle.

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Circle Board

Meet the Circle Board and find their contact information.

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Sign up for a committee!  We need your support to run our organization.

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Alumnae Database

If you did not receive the recent issue of the Lighthouse or any other recent mailings, make sure your contact information is up-to-date!

» Fill out form with your current information

Louise Lighthouse Archive

The Louise Lighthouse has existed as a camp newsletter since at least the ‘70s throught 2018.

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Read our blog!  See what exciting things are going on with Circle.

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